This Epic Makeover Takes a Freezer From Chaos to Marie Kondo

Once upon a time, the freezer was my nemesis. I mean, I loved freezing things—there are few things more satisfying than having a quart-sized container of homemade tomato sauce and meatballs

Image may contain: Animal, Pig, and Mammal
Meet the Freezer Hoarders of America

I tried stacking all the meat on one side, but every time I tried to pull a package of chicken breasts out, the whole stack would start to tilt and shift, threatening to pummel me with frozen poultry parts. I put store-bought freezer foods in another pile, sticking boxes in at increasingly inadvisable angles to help prop up the column of slippery meat. And in this way, a method best described as “the Shove-and-Pray,” I was usually able to get all of my frozen bananasAmy’s pizzas

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