She Was a Vulnerable Nurse. Now She’s a Woman Fighting for Justice in Her Own Case.

Bao Li was just 34 years old when she was reported missing from her suburban home in Baltimore County on Nov. 2, 2017. The local police quickly zeroed in on her husband, a Chinese national named Zhensheng Zhang. Several days later, Zhang was arrested in the Dominican Republic and extradited to the United States, where he was charged with his wife’s presumed murder. But the investigation into Bao Li’s disappearance has not been without controversy. From the beginning, Bao Li’s family and friends doubted Zhang’s guilt. They pointed to his lack of a criminal record, his love for his wife, and his cooperation with the police. They also questioned why the police were so quick to focus on him as the prime suspect, when there were other possible suspects who had not been ruled out. In 2020, more than two years after Bao Li’s disappearance, Zhang’s trial finally began. The prosecution presented a circumstantial case against him, relying heavily on cell phone data and witness testimony. The defense, meanwhile, argued that the prosecution’s case was based on speculation and that there was no physical evidence linking Zhang to his wife’s murder. The jury ultimately convicted Zhang of first-degree murder and sentenced him to life in prison. But Zhang’s conviction has been appealed, and his lawyers have argued that the trial was flawed and that he deserves a new one. Bao Li’s family and friends continue to believe in Zhang’s innocence, and they have vowed to continue fighting for him. They have started a petition to have his conviction overturned, and they have also filed a lawsuit against the Baltimore County Police Department, alleging that they mishandled the investigation into Bao Li’s disappearance. The case of Bao Li has raised important questions about the justice system and the treatment of Chinese immigrants in the United States. It has also highlighted the importance of due process and the need for thorough investigations in all cases involving missing persons. As Bao Li’s case continues to make its way through the courts, it is likely to continue to generate debate and scrutiny. And it is a reminder that the pursuit of justice can be a long and difficult road, but it is one that is worth fighting for..

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