The Foolproof Way to Cook Burgers Indoors

Folks, I miss summer. I miss impromptu beach trips, brain freeze–inducing cocktails, and SPF in triple digits. But more than anything, I miss burgers. Plump, juicy, smoky burgers. The kind that only come off the grill.

Burgers cooked on the stovetop usually can’t compare. With no smoke and nowhere for the beef fat to go, the meat usually ends up simmering in its own juices instead of searing over a hot flame. The flavor, moisture, and texture is completely different than those of grilled burgers.

Image may contain: Food, and Plant
Why You Should Never Buy Packaged Ground Beef Again

But does it have to be? Or is it possible to cook an excellent burger indoors? To find out, I asked grillmaster Dave Joachim

Use a Flat Cast-Iron Pan

When making burgers at home, some people stick them under the broiler. Some cooks deep-fry their burgers to get that crisp exterior. The best way? Do as Dave does and get a cast-iron pan ripping hot. In less than a minute in the pan, your burgers will form a crusty sear.

“I like a flat pan because you get better browning across the whole surface of the meat, which is one of the advantages of cooking indoors,” says television personality and cookbook author Dave Joachim

Don’t Dimple the Patties (Unless You Like Flat Burgers)

Over the summer, we recommended dimpling

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