If anyone was going to make the sheer-dress trend sparkle, it’s Lizzo.
On April 16, Lizzo served double duty on Saturday Night Live, making her hosting debut and performing as the evening’s musical guest. “Ladies and gentlemen, ME!” she introduced herself before tearing up 30 Rockefeller Plaza with her new song ”About Damn Time.“ According to Lizzo, she is the first host to introduce themselves before the musical performance. Yes, she’s 100% That Bitch—or as Lizzo put it in her opening monologue, “50% That Bitch, 10% Boss Bitch, and 40% Flute Playing Band Nerd Bitch.”
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If the look is giving you déjà vu, you may recall Lizzo wearing a similar iridescent dress to Cardi B’s birthday party in October 2021. Of course, there were some key differences. Not only was that dress blue, but it was completely see-through. In true Y2K fashion, Lizzo styled to look with butterfly clips and a long ponytail. Props to Lizzo for predicting sheer-dress spring six months in advance.
Toward the end of her SNL opening monologue, the Watch Out for the Big Grrrls host called on viewers to love themselves. “I’m thrilled to be hosting this particular episode, especially because I do love tonight’s musical guest,” she joked, before pausing for applause.
“No, but really, I do love myself. Everybody should love themselves,” she continued. “You know, at every show, I tell my audience the same thing and I’ll tell y’all too: I love you, you are beautiful, and you can do anything. I’m living proof of that. I used to live in my car, and now I’m up here hosting Saturday Night Live.”